By the Doctor Jung-Hamoudé Solange
It is no secret to anyone that the modern man is going through an aesthetic emancipation. For many years now, there has been a huge rise in the number of cosmetic ranges dedicated to men. From their advertising campaigns to the textures created, these “men’s” ranges strive to differentiate themselves from the “women’s” ranges.
But, far from the cosmetic revolution, lives a more discreet revolution, in shelters of the looks. It is from the office of his Esthetic Doctor that the man comes at the moment to ask advice.
Motivations are diverse, probably less emotional than those of the feminine client. Or at least, seemingly … he is the custom to come to make his Mésolift or his first Botox to erase the signs of fatigue; keep a facial dynamism in adequacy to the intellectual dynamism … Not just to hear anymore the perpetual “you look tired!”. Just like the women, the social and professional pressure is rough. He is fashionable to remain energetic: a positive attitude is appreciated; it is also the case of a face in the rested lines.
And then there is also a treatment of the brightness of the skin, by laser to erase the scars of acne, or peelings to refine the skin texture. The demands are reasoned, the listening is attentive.
According to the consultations, the man relaxes, pays less attention to the protection. He is not judged, he knows it. This is when appear requests more in connection with his private life. We propose then a session of cryotherapy for a small fat overload which gives a complex. We redraw a mandibular arch and we throw a chin which says itself “not rather voluntary”. The man is squared. Naso-géniens grooves or rings are filled by injections of Acid Hyaluronique the skin is plumped by Skinboosters…
In brief, what differentiates the esthetic medical treatment of a man, they are at first the techniques of injection. We don’t give a volumetry to a male face, we “re-sculpture” it. Techniques are different, the esthetic eye also. The luminosity is not reflected in the same places. We shall tolerate certain wrinkles, certain asymmetries.
The used injectable products will be also different. The laboratories of pharmaceutical industries did not make a mistake, less hydrophilic Acids Hyaluroniques, or inductors collagéniques there will be more usual.
The esthetic revolution of the man is thus hired well. Dad “hen”, Man ” in the home “, make-up and beauty care, mode of the kilt, the injections and laser nothing removes the notion of manliness! Quite the opposite, it strengthens it.
The man is thus good a Woman – almost as the others!
Dr Solange Jung-Hamoudé 
Dr Solange Jung-Hamoudé practises the Morphological and anti-ageing Medicine within a cabinet of the 7th district of Paris. Prize-winner of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris Pierre and Marie Curie, and former Specialized Consultant Trainer, she exercises the Esthetic Medicine with passion and reason. She grants a dominating place tuned to her patients to understand and answer at best their expectations.
Her key word remains the coverage targeted and mastered to respect the natural lines of her patients.