By the Dr Christophe Desouches
The coverage of the man in medical esthetics by Dr Christophe Desouches. The man of today has no more apprehension to come to consult a surgeon or an esthetic doctor. Just like the women, he wants to be able to benefit from advances medico surgical which allow to correct a physical defect or signs of the aging.
The men are more and more an applicant of esthetic treatment. However, when a man crosses the threshold of a cabinet of surgery or esthetic medicine his approach, his demand is very different from women.
The practitioner in his approach and in his coverage has too a rather different attitude. The man and the woman are indeed culturally, psychologically and physically different and it is important to respect these differences and to take into account them.
The body and the face of the man are extremely different. The hormonal impregnation of the adolescence modifies radically the physical aspect of both sexes. The male body becomes more muscular while the face becomes more angular. The sexual assertion of the individual also entraine a different social mode of presentation. While the man is preferentially going to put forward his determination and his logic, the woman will more gladly be creative and worried about her image.
What are the favorite treatments of the men?
During his consultation, the man is generally more unwilling in the aggressive treatments with times of recovery length. The result must be natural with small consequences allowing a return the social life. He needs to be more reassured by the legitimacy of his choice because the society with trend to be critical to this initiative.
The acclaimed treatments are thus naturally the medical processings, in particular the botulinal toxin which allows to relax the forehead and to give a less worried expression. The hyaluronique acid is often used because he allows a discreet correction of wrinkles and losses of volume. The hyaluronique acid can indeed mask encircle them rising or the digging of the median part of the face which are rather frequent in male aging. On the other hand, it is important to respect the male character of the face by keeping lines of force and salient angles. A feminization is often perceptible during the excessive fillings or during the increase of lip.
Other important demand is the treatment of the overloads greasy abdominal. The stomach with trend to thicken with the age and the liposuction or the cryolipolyse can bring relatively simple solutions to this type of treatment.
The coverage of the alopecia andro genetic is also a male peculiarity. The demands can come more or less early in life and from numerous solutions as medical as surgical can be proposed.
Is the man the future of the market of the esthetic medico surgical?
Probably not even if men’s percentage in consultation increases regularly. The man looks not ” the esthetics of the beauty ” but looks for rather in by more successful and in the running in his professional life but also in his social life.
Dr Christophe Desouches
Doctor Christophe Desouches is qualified in repair and esthetic plastic surgery. He has a post-graduate diploma in biology of the aging. His liberal activity is at present centred on the coverage of the facial aging, on the plastic surgery of the breast and on the intimate surgery.